For many watch collectors, an interest in quality timepieces often fosters, or is driven by, a passion for well-made goods of all types. So, we've worked with some of our favorite accessories makers to curate the Wear & Carry collection. From Monk Made Goods, we have some of the best minimal and full-sized wallets we've ever used, and from Schon DSGN, we have the minimally-designed and beautifully-crafted clip pen. Both are proudly made in the USA.

All Wear & Carry
Tactile Turn
Bolt Action Pen - Copper
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Tactile Turn
Bolt Action Pen - Titanium
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Tactile Turn
Bolt Action Pen - Bronze
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Side-Click Standard Pen Side-Click Standard Pen
Tactile Turn
Side-Click Standard Pen - Bronze
Side-Click Standard Pen Side-Click Standard Pen
Tactile Turn
Side-Click Standard Pen - Titanium
Side-Click Standard Pen Side-Click Standard Pen
Tactile Turn
Side-Click Standard Pen - Copper
Molecule Cardholder Molecule Cardholder
Pioneer Carry
Molecule Cardholder - Onyx
Pioneer Carry
Molecule Cardholder - Slate
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Pioneer Carry
Molecule Cardholder - Earth
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Altitude Billfold Wallet Altitude Billfold Wallet
Pioneer Carry
Altitude Billfold Wallet - Onyx
Altitude Billfold Wallet Altitude Billfold Wallet
Pioneer Carry
Altitude Billfold Wallet - Slate
Division Billfold Wallet Division Billfold Wallet
Pioneer Carry
Division Billfold Wallet - Navy
Division Billfold Wallet Division Billfold Wallet
Pioneer Carry
Division Billfold Wallet - Onyx
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